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HOME [11/15/2023]

hi my name is fish. i made this website to teach myself html and to maybe just have something fun to do at school when im bored as shit.

here's a picture of me

okay thats not actually me but who do you think i am? you think im gonna upload a picture of myself on the interwebs for everyone to see?

oh shit my spaghettis done

okay i finished my spaghetti. anyways who do you think i am? you think im just gonna post a selfie all willy nilly? no way man. fish isnt even my real name. bet you didnt see that one coming huh?

this spaghettis really good. its like all i eat. every day for dinner i have spaghetti. sometimes ill have bread or french bread pizza or take out but its usually spaghetti. thats what having arfid is like. its not bad though im fine just eating this all the time i just wish i wouldnt get like a hard time for it or whatever yknow. man i love spaghetti

this sites ugly as fuck but whatever for now im done. bye bye